Drawing Register
Intertenancy Drawings
Typical UsesIntertenancy BracketVertical Cross SectionWall PlanWall Plan - Panel JoinWall ElevationFoundation or Intermediate Floor SlabFoundation - SteppedFoundation - Timber FloorTimber FoundationCorner - Internal Linings both SidesWall Projection - Plan ViewDeflection Head Detail (Less than 20mm)T-Junction - Internal Wall meeting Intertenancy WallT-Junction with External Wall - Option 1T-Junction with External Wall - Option 2T-Junction with External Wall - Rigid SheathingT-Junction with Internal CornerX-Junction - Intersecting WallsMid-FloorCantilever (700mm or less)Cantilever (700mm or greater)Roof ValleyRoof RidgeRoof ParapetRoof ApronRoof Stepped - Option 1Roof Stepped - Option 2Roof Truss SectionRoof Sloping EndRoof Sloping EaveRoof Eave - Metal Tray or CorrugateRoof Eave - Metal TilesRoof Eave - Mineral wool