ROCKCOTE Clay Decor - Plasterboard
Description of Works/Specification Notes
ROCKCOTE Clay Plaster Decor is composed of high quality natural earth materials manufactured to exacting specifications, composed of high quality washed and graded sands, various clays and proprietary additives. ROCKCOTE Clay Plaster Decor is designed as a decorative finishing render that can be tinted to a range of earth tones using natural oxides. Dry, clean, chopped wheat straw, rice husks, quartz chips, marble chips and shells can be added to create beautiful and unique effects.
- Abrasive strength: Excellent
- Adhesion: Good
- Vapour Permeability: No vapour barrier formed
- VOC: N/A
- Colour: off white
- Packaging: 15kg bags
- Clean up: Water while product is wet
- Use by: 12 months from date of manufacture
- Storage: Cool, dry place, of the ground
- Application Temperature: + 5 °C to + 30 °C
- Usual No Coats: 1
- Drying Time: 24-48 hours (2-4mm thick in a vented area)
- Touch Dry: 4 hours
- Dry to Recoat: 24 hours
- Film Build: Optimum results are normally achieved by applying 2 to 4 mm thick per coat. ROCKCOTE Clay Plaster Decor should not be applied in a single coat greater than 6mm
- Thinning: N/A
- Mean Vapour Flow Rate: 71.82 g/m²d (ASTM E96/E96M-13 Water Method)
- Mean Resistance: 1.54 MNs/g (ASTM E96/E96M-13 Water Method)
- Fire Group Classification: 1-S (Test in accordance with ISO 5660:2002)
Building Code Compliance
If the project has a building consent then the following clauses apply.
B2 – Durability
This specification complies with the requirements as set out in B2 – Durability which must always be considered when demonstrating compliance with each of the clauses of the Building Code. It ensures that a building throughout its life will continue to satisfy the performance of the Building Code. It confirms the use of materials that will remain functional throughout the specified intended life of the building, but not less than 50, 15 or 5 years
This system meets the expected durability of the NZBC of at least 5 years
F2 – Hazardous building materials
This specification complies with the requirements as set out in F2 – Hazardous building materials which safeguards people from illness and injury from quantities of gas, liquid, radiation and solid particles caused by exposure to building materials
On Going Maintenance Instructions
Provide ongoing maintenance instructions required to meet the performance requirements of the NZBC.
Building Consent Authority Requirements
All the appropriate inspections are to be carried out by a BCA representative and that it complies with the NZBC requirements.
The following abbreviations are used throughout this work section:
- BCA – Building Consent Authority
- LBP – Licensed Building Practitioner
- PPCS – Proprietary Plaster Clading System
- MPNZA – Master Painters of New Zealand Association
- MSDS – Material Safety Data Sheet
- NZBC – New Zealand Building Code
Manufacturers Documents
Copies of the above relevant company documents referred to in this specification are available at;
Resene Construction Systems
Telephone: 0800 50 70 40
No Substitutions
Substitutions are not permitted to any specified Resene Construction Systems system. Materials and execution to Resene Construction Systems specification except where varied by this specification and supported by architectural detailing.
Finish Sample
Submit one 300 mm x 300 mm sample of the selected texture finish and colour for approval on request by the main contractor or specifier. Obtain signature of acceptance on sample and return to the Registered Plasterer.
Maintenance Instructions
Provide Resene Construction Systems Maintenance Guide on or before practical completion of the contract for issuing to the building owner. Resene Construction Systems Maintenance Guide to be provided on request.
Health and Safety
Refer to the requirements of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 2015 and Worksafe NZ: Guidelines for the provision of facilities and general safety in the construction industry. If the elimination or isolation of potential hazards and risks is not possible then minimise hazards and risks in this work on site by using the proper equipment and techniques as required in the MPNZA Painters hazard handbook. Supply protective clothing and equipment. Inform employees and others on site of the hazards and put into place procedures for dealing with emergencies. Obtain from Resene Construction Systems the Material Safety Data Sheets for each product. Keep sheets on site and comply with the required safety procedures. Confirmation at the start of the project as to whether a Site Specific Safety Plan is to be produced by the Registered Plasterer prior to works starting.
Warrant this system under normal environmental and use conditions against failure. Resene Construction Systems system warranty.
Materials: by Resene Construction Systems – 15 Years Materials only
Execution: by Registered Plasterer – 5 Years Workmanship only
Components Used
Resene Quick Dry
- Resene Quick Dry waterborne primer undercoat provides long-term flexibility over unstable substrates coupled with exceptional durability even when left uncoated for prolonged periods.
- Installed over the plastered joins prior to a full sealer coat/slurry coat
Acrylbond Resin
- Multi-purpose Resin supplied in 5kg and 20kg containers
MultiStop Bedding Compound
- Polymer-modified, cement based dry plaster mix. Supplied in 15kg bags.
Earthen Clay Décor Interior Plaster
- EARTHEN Clay is a natural product available in almost every corner of the earth, contains no VOC’s or cements. It is composed of fine white china clay, silica sands, and natural binders. This is then mixed with water to create a workable material for plastering.
- Applied at approximately 2mm thick
Check and Prepare Plasterboard Linings
Preparation based on new substrate installations.
Preliminary Checks
Plasterboard must be taped and stopped to a level 4 finish according to Plasterboard manufacturer’s specifications.
Clean Surface
When the substrate has been left for a period of time, dust and dirt may build up on the surface. This contamination must be removed prior to render application.
Before applying the render, masking must be applied to all joinery, pipes, roofs, and all areas likely to be marked by the render. Use drop cloths and ground covers to keep the working areas clean.
Resene Quick Dry (over plastered joins)
Apply by brush, speed brush, synthetic fibre roller or spray. Spray application is generally not preferred for the first coat.
Apply one to two coats of Resene Quick Dry allowing two to four hours between coats. Lightly sand between coats. For porous surfaces, it may be desirable to thin the first coat with up to 10% clean water.
Resin/MultiStop Slurry Coat
Surface Preparation
Ensure surface is clean, sound, dry and free from dust, dirt, grease, mould and lichen.
Mix a solution of Acrylbond and Rockcote MultiStop together and apply using a roller or brush. A high solids roller can also be used to ensure the solution is evenly distributed across the wall surface.
For pourous substrates (eg. brick, concrete) mix a 50:50 4L mix of Acrylbond/water and a 1 kg of MultiStop/AAC Adhesive/Hydroplast to the mix.
For other surfaces (including painted) ensure a 4 Litre of Acrylbond is mixed directly with 1 kg of MultiStop/AAC Adhesive/Hydroplast.
If you are unsure of the surface you are applying the slurry to, apply to a small section of wall and test for adhesion.
Rockcote Earthen Decor (2 Coats)
EARTHEN Clay Decor can be applied by traditional hawk and trowel. It is important to mask up all
surrounding surfaces before Plastering, especially aluminium window frames and glass, to avoid contact with EARTHEN Clay Decor.
For traditional hawk and trowel hand application, mix approximately 15kg of Clay Plaster Decor to 3 – 3.4L of clean cool water for a minimum of 3 minutes. Use suitable high speed power mixer with a paddle type mixing blade. Allow mixture to activate for 10 – 15 minutes and adjust consistency by adding a little more water if required.
Optimum results are normally achieved by applying 2 to 4 mm thick per coat. Clay Plaster Decor should not be applied in a single coat greater than 6mm
Clay Plaster Decor dries in approximately 24 – 48 hours under normal drying conditions when applied to a thickness of 2 – 4mm. Thicker applied coats may take longer. (Dry times vary with changes in temperature, humidity and residual moisture in the substrate). When used internally, it is very important to open windows & doors allowing fresh air ventilation to speed up the drying.
This specification must be read in conjunction with the Resene Construction Systems technical drawings.
No alteration to the Resene Construction Systems RenderSpec® is permitted.
All Technical Data Sheets are available at
All Safety Data Sheets are available at