Resene Construction Systems is excited to announce their involvement in the leading childrens charity in the country. Look out for our awesome Resene Construction Systems Big Black Fire Truck coming your way.
You can help us in helping out the Kids of New Zealand click here to support the Resene Constructon Systems crew.
The next big week long Bash kicked off in Auckland at Rainbows End at 9am on Sunday the 16th March; this is going to be a very exciting week.
Have you ever wanted to be involved in a Charity where you help raise money and then get to hand out grants to a lot of the recipient’s as you spend a week travelling with a great bunch of friends on roads you possibly did not know existed and to top it off, all the money raised in New Zealand stays in New Zealand.
I’m not allowed to give too much away, however here is a brief overview, as an entrant your excitement starts at 6pm on Saturday the 15th March with a launch function like no other. Come dressed in your best Pirate out fit because there is a prize for best …
Click here to learn more and support the Kids of New Zealand